East Orange VAMC Education Center talk : Helene Hill's Blog
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Helene Z. Hill, Ph.D.
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Truth even unto its innermost parts

East Orange VAMC Education Center talk

by Helene Hill on 07/18/12

7/18/12 Just gave a talk at the VAMC entitled Importance of Open Access to Research Data: A Case in Point.  It was attended by graduate students, faculty, post-docs and staff.  There was, over all, amazement that someone could get away with producing so much suspicious data and that the authorities did such a poor job of policing the research.  The talk is posted on the website under the Publications tab.

Comments (1)

1. Peter Aleff said on 1/24/13 - 09:59PM
For yet another example of blatant research fraud covered up by the medical community including the so-called Office for Research Integrity as well as the "Bioethics" Committee. see http://retinopathyofprematurity.org This fraud continues to blind and even kill hundreds or even thousands of premature babies each year, but none of the alleged watchdogs dare to acknowledge this taint on medical research.

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